A federal order for Constitutional good living
Federal State, Centralized State, Federative State, Judicial Review, Guarantee State, Star CitizenshipAbstract
Is this model compatible with the traditional unitarium State of Ecuador and his plurinational State?
These questions worries more than one and provoke a well fervent enthusiam or total repulse in dependence of a point of view and preferences from who thinks about this polemic subject, however, it´s neccessary to realize a doctrinary analysis and a historic resemblence to defeat analytical argumentative models and the perspective to introduce this kind of organization in the constitutional order.
Firstly, let´s differeantiate between consistent federalism in a voluntary union and the organization coming from a federative order.
In this cruxial point we find the Gordian Knot that will allow us to unravel the problematic. From there it´s comes the expression Soberanity of will from the constituent town, the precaution of fundamentals rights accordance with the good living, the guarantees for these rights and the procedure of amendment vary the territorial organization.
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