Regulatory framework progress for the right of priority access to officially protected housing of women victims of gender violence

Particular reference to its regulation in Castilla-La Mancha



Woman, gender-based violence, priority access, officially protected housing, measures


In response to the shocking percentages of gender-based violence in the world, several international agencies call on States to implement their national policies in prevention and protection policies to avoid such widespread social scourge. Thus, countries have been developing measures in different fields of action: educational, cultural, advertising, health, social, economic, labor, institutional, criminal and procedural. In Spain, article 28 of Act 1/2004, on 28th December (about Measures of Comprehensive Protection Against Domestic Violence), grants the right to priority access to officially protected housing for women victims of gender violence. Present research focuses on the adequate development of the above-mentioned right at state level and Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha level to the present day, without forgetting the pandemic setting derived from COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Jiménez, M. N. (2021). Regulatory framework progress for the right of priority access to officially protected housing of women victims of gender violence: Particular reference to its regulation in Castilla-La Mancha. Revista Anuario Parlamento Y Constitución, (22), 201–247. Retrieved from

