The Supreme Court Constitutional Jurisdiction as a judicial safeguard of argentine federalism
Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, intergovernmental conflicts, deralism, political safeguards, judicial mechanismsAbstract
The constitutional and federal theory has debated about what or what should be the safeguard mechanisms in modern federations, with two conflicting positions: on the one hand, those who maintain that those mechanisms are essentially political (political safeguards), since the institutional design of the powers of a federal government is designed to ensure adequate representation of subnational governments, and on the other hand, a second position that maintains that (in addition) the courts in general, and the supreme courts in particular, are the bodies that stand as mechanisms tending to protect the federal system, based on the resolution of specific cases.
The main aim of this paper is to analyze what has been the position adopted by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Argentine Republic in the resolution of intergovernmental conflicts (vertical and horizontal), in particular, due to the emergence of a new jurisprudence that has reached certain importance in the last decade, reaching the conclusion that the Argentine Court has opted for an intermediate position, where it is recognized itself as an actor with institutional capacity to resolve intergovernmental conflicts, identifying, providing content and making effective the general constitutional principle of federalism, but at the same time, highlighting the importance of the political mechanisms for the resolution of such conflicts, guiding and even exhorting the federated subjects to resolve conflicts through the institutional dialogue.
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