Austerity versus Representation in the Electoral Law of Castilla-La Mancha
Electoral Law, Castilla-La Mancha Parliament, Number of Deputies, Adjustment SeatsAbstract
The ongoing reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Castilla-La Mancha reduces the number of deputies in the regional parliament from the current 53 to a range of 25-35. This will result in a new electoral system, unique and different from that of other autonomous communities in Spain, as the size of the constituencies, the main determinant of proportionality between votes and seats, will be significantly smaller. This article analyzes the new situation, presenting figures that demonstrate the severe reduction in proportionality that would result from maintaining the traditional system of pure provincial allocation of deputies. A proposal is put forward for a system based on the method used in Sweden, which ensures both the principle of proportionality between votes and seats and adequate territorial representation of the provinces. The proposal would also bring additional benefits for the democratic quality and efficiency of the regional political system.
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