Some fundamental aspects of Comparative Law on the right to life of the unborn child. The Chilean case

a reminder and parallel on the verge of a new ruling by the Spanish Constitutional Court


  • Estefanía Esparza Reyes University of La Frontera (Chile)


Unborn child, life, right to life, unborn legal status


Faced with the current events of Spain, these notes intended to recall the most important aspects of the legal status of the unborn child and put them in connection with a curious regulation of the same subject in the Republic of Chile, where the distribution of the emergency contraceptive pill was banned based on such rules. It exposed fundamental aspects of the unborn child protection, especially from the analysis of two emblematic judgments of the spanish and chilean Constitutional Courts.


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How to Cite

Esparza Reyes, E. (2013). Some fundamental aspects of Comparative Law on the right to life of the unborn child. The Chilean case: a reminder and parallel on the verge of a new ruling by the Spanish Constitutional Court. Revista Anuario Parlamento Y Constitución, (15), 115–154. Retrieved from

