The General Budgets and the limits to the legislative function in Spain


  • Francisco Javier López Hernández Counsel of the Parliament of the Canary Islands (Spain)


Budgets, budget stability and public debt objectives, amendments to the draft budget law, essential and possible content of the budget law, budget veto


The general budgets have an impact on the legislative function of the Houses, even before their approval, since in their parliamentary processing the right of amendment is subject to the requirements established in the block of constitutionality and in the Parliamentary Regulations, as a guarantee of the Government’s monopoly of the budgetary initiative. Likewise, once approved by law, the general budgets both at State level and in each Autonomous Community will condition the legislative function both in the presentation of bills and in the formulation of amendments, given that the executive may veto them as a mechanism for safeguarding the budget in force. These limitations will make it possible to study the configuration of the participation rights of deputies and senators, and the guarantee of parliamentary control of the budget veto.


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How to Cite

López Hernández, F. J. (2022). The General Budgets and the limits to the legislative function in Spain. Revista Anuario Parlamento Y Constitución, (23), 96–152. Retrieved from

