The position of the United States of America in the world through the inaugural addresses of its presidents (1977-2013)
United States of America, President, power, international relations, Inaugural Address, Inauguration DayAbstract
The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the "Inauguration Day" of the President of the United States of America and specifically the “Inaugural Address” of the elected (or re-elected) President as a prominent example of public demonstration of power and its reflection in international relations. It is going to be analyzed the Inaugural Addresses during the last thirty six years, from Jimmy Carter in 1977 to Barack Obama in 2013. The first part will focus on the study of public perceptions of power. The second part will develop an analysis of the meaning of the Inaugural Address of the US Presidents. The third part will highlight the international references in the Inaugural Addresses of last six US Presidents. Finally, the fourth part will analyze how the Presidents interpret through their Addresses the position of United States in international relations and assess whether there have been changes over these years.
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